Assessment system for students to move between years – preparatory classes

According to Ministerial Decision No 12 of January 08, 2017, the evaluation system modifying the old system has been put in place. This evaluation system is valid for students of preparatory classes and this, from the academic year 2018-2019. 

I The first or second year is acquired if 

  • The student obtains 60 credits, that is to say having had all the teaching units of the first and second semester.
  • The student obtains an annual general average for all education units greater than or equal to 10/20.

II Retake Exams 

The preparatory class system does not benefit from remedial exams.

III Participation in the national entry examination of preparatory classes

The student can participate in the national entry examination for Access to Higher Schools of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences

  • If he obtains 120 credits during the two years of preparatory classes.
  • A student who did not pass the national entry examination has the full right to take the national entry examinations again only once in the following year.

IV Repeating the year

  • Students who have encountered pedagogical difficulties during the academic year have the right to repeat only once during the two preparatory years.
  • The student who repeats the year must follow all the modules not acquired for the units not acquired of semesters not acquired.

V Reorientation of the student

The student is redirected to universities:

  • If he took the opportunity to repeat his course (over two years) and who did not obtain an average of 10/20 or more. 
  • If he does not succeed in the national entry examination.
  • If he obtains an annual average lower than 05/20.
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