Koléa University Center, Tipaza | contact@esc-alger.dz | (+213) 024 38 00 42
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Doctoral Graduation and Entrepreneurship Promotion
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UnderGraduation and Continuing Education
Lifelong Learning
The Higher School of Commerce trains high-ranking professionals in the fields of business and management studies
- Management
- Commercial
- Marketing
- Ressources humaines
- L’innovation Performante
- Banque - Assurance
- Gestion et Finance
- Management des Instutition Publiques
- Supply Chain-Achats
- Et autres
Doctoral Training and Promotion of Entrepreneurship
Doctoral programs teach entrepreneurial skills and commercialization knowledge, as well as offer collaborations and mentoring programs. Supporting entrepreneurship is vital for economic growth and job creation. Doctoral students who become entrepreneurs can be innovators, developing products and expanding markets. Funding incubators and resources through these programs can support entrepreneurship and create job opportunities, resulting in economic and community growth.
- Doctoral Training
- Research Laboratory