Koléa University Center, Tipaza | contact@esc-alger.dz | (+213) 024 38 00 42
Registration system
Article 1: Entry to the library is allowed for:
- Professors of the Higher School of Commerce and its students
- Professors and students licensed from various universities and national institutes, with one day per week to be designated for them.
Article 2: A (Library Card) is granted to the student at the beginning of each academic year. It is a personal card; its use by others is prohibited. The deadline for registration is determined through announcement.
the secondmeny system
Article 3: Every student registered with the library has the right to external borrowing of books by completing the loan form available.
- For first, second, and third-year students, they are entitled to borrow one book for a period of 15 days.
- Fourth-year students are entitled to borrow two books for a period of 15 days.
- Master’s and specialized studies students are entitled to borrow 3 books for a period of 15 days.
- Professors are entitled to borrow 4 books for a period of 30 days.
Article 4: Books exempted from external borrowing are determined by a list: (Dictionaries and rare books).
Article 5: The loan period can be renewed for one week unless the book is requested by another student or the borrower delays its return.”
Article 6: In the event of loss or damage to any document, the person concerned is required to compensate by providing an identical copy of the document.
The Reading Hall System
Article 7: Respecting library staff and adhering to their instructions.
Article 8: Maintaining quietness inside the hall.
Article 9: Strictly prohibited:
- Reserving seats by placing tools, bags, or clothing.
- Eating and drinking inside the hall.
- Using mobile phones and devices (MP3, MP4).
- Moving chairs from their places or bringing in chairs from other study rooms.
- Moving around between tables without justification.
- Standing inside the hall whether seats are available or not.
- Using the computer for personal purposes unrelated to research.
Article 10: Any violation of these instructions exposes the individual to the revocation of their library card and may subject them to strict measures, up to appearing before the disciplinary council of the school.
Article 11: The library provides a certificate of clearance, which is deemed necessary for graduating students to obtain their certificate. This certificate will not be issued if the student’s situation with the library is not settled.
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